Monday, November 30, 2009

WP3: pre writing assignment 3

On Thursday during class I experienced a new form of music self-possessed by Wayne Coyne which he called “Zaireeka”. I found it to be intense and extremely interesting. Before class I had never heard or done something that unusual, but it changed my perception of music and what it really was. When I think back to it I still cannot completely understand what it was meant to do for our art sculpture, but I think it did point out things that I should consider with art objects. The most important thing I think I got out of the situation was that when you join together more than one element the way Wayne Coyne did you can picture several different things and I think that is a big thing to consider when looking at our chosen art objects.

In last class session it challenged us to consider an art-object as an intensification of its traditionally-conceived identity. My sculpture, Fallen Dreamer, can definitely be thought of as an intensification of the innate surroundings in which it is found and the intensification of an art object. Since the art object is indeed a sculpture and it is a three dimensional object viewers can observe from whichever viewpoint they can see it at. As an art object, this piece could take part in a variety of aspects. From the many perspectives the observers can clearly see that in each way they look at it, that the surroundings impacts what it is like for the Fallen Dreamer. In this case, it is the atmosphere that helps expose this piece of art as an intensification of an art object. The environment is more than the natural part of life but it also is the sculpture, Fallen Dreamer.

Looking at the sculpture, Fallen Dreamer, and the environment surrounding it seems at peace, but yet not. If the sculpture itself was of an upright head with a smile on its face it may seem at peace, but what makes me say peaceful is the environment in which it is in. Even though it is in the middle steps in front of the Sheldon Art museum it still has a sense of peace. I think this because it is surrounded by a clean environment and grass is just next door. Fallen Dreamer is obviously representing a human head and a man from that due to the lack of hair. When looking at the sculpture anyone can relate to the man on a sad gloomy day. As if you are almost half asleep or something just went terribly wrong, but whatever is going on you can relate to the man. I imagine that this specific spot in which the sculpture is located gets a lot of attention because it is in the direct path of people that want to go into the museum. Being that the material chosen was bronze, I fell that this is designed to be of an older era, maybe 1800’s time frame in which this was meant to portray. From “Zaireeka” it has made me think of the surrounding of Fallen Dreamer to understand different arguments it is trying provide.

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