Monday, November 2, 2009

Statement Of Purpose

The comic strip I have chosen of the girl and her “alien” friend in a vehicle has many probable purposes, possible understandings, and many more feasible contexts. To construct a successful analysis of the comic strip, there are loads of factors including purpose, audience, and context that must be taken into consideration as I go about writing my analysis.

I found this comic after going through dozens of comic strips on and searched for funny comic strips. I finally stumbled across this one when I wasn’t even really looking; it’s called “Internet Frame”. There isn’t a whole lot of background information about the comic, but it was published on June 2, 2009 by an unknown publisher. This animated comic is about a girl and her alien friend in a car talking about how the alien seen the girl’s dance video on YouTube. From the expressions on her face in all three panels she looks shocked and disgusted at the alien. The first two panels are more of the disgust since the alien was “checking her out” and the last one was of shock since her video had 12 hits.

My personal purpose for choosing this comic strip is my craze for the cause from which it derives. I have always had an interest and liked looking at videos and other things on YouTube. By choosing and analyzing this comic strip, I would like to bring radiance to an issue that I feel deserves more attention to than it currently receives. If anything can be gained from reviewing the comic strip above, it is that we are living in an age where the way we live, and even think, is greatly influenced by the latest technological advances. While this purpose is very particular to my specific interests and social position, it is also a purpose that everyone could share. I would like everyone to understand the argument of my selected comic strip through the lens of a rhetorical analysis by my final draft. To support my argument I think the most obvious way to do that is to make comparisons connecting the two portions of the comic strip. These two aspects would be the proper usage of YouTube and the reality it can affect the people that use it.

This essay is going be posted on the Internet, and I understand that my audience could possibly be an exceedingly large amount of people, as anyone with Internet access could potentially become just a fraction of my audience. Along with any persons with internet access my main readers will be my fellow classmates and teacher. Since my classmates are also creating comparable analyses, I hope to present some new ideas or feedback that will help shape their minds with different thoughts. I would also like my audience to really think about what is happening within the comic and my essay, and realize some of the problems that many people face. Since the major context of my analysis is going to be about YouTube, I need to make accurate research, because my audience may know more than me about the internet.