Saturday, October 3, 2009

blog post #11: Statement of Purpose

The photo I have chosen is from the Compose Design Advocate website under ‘through the eyes of children’. The photographer must have been thinking about many things when taking it. He had to think of much of the same strategies that we, as the viewers are trying to decipher now.

As a writer there are many things I must do to accomplish a concrete statement of purpose. First, I will need to take into consideration the reason or more clear-cut purpose for my writing. I also need to think of things such as what is good and what is bad that can come out of my statement of purpose. There are a lot of responsibilities one has to their audience, and I also must consider the context and state of mind someone might be in when reading my piece. I want to make my essay as debatable as possible since the photographer didn’t give me much information about the picture to work with. Considering my statement of purpose, I think it must be highly debatable and I will make sure to state that there are numerous objections one can view from my picture.

This essay is going be posted on the Internet, and I understand that my audience could possibly be an exceedingly large amount of people, as anyone with Internet access could potentially become just a fraction of my audience. These people that view my blog are called a secondary audience. Along with any persons with internet access my main readers will be my fellow classmates and teachers. This is known as the primary audience. Since my classmates are also creating comparable analyses, I hope to present some new ideas or feedback that will help shape their minds with different thoughts. I would also like my audience to really think about what is happening within the photo and my essay, and realize some of the problems that many people still face in the world today.

The context in which the audience will be reading this will not be a typical essay style piece, but slightly different in it being on a blog. Since it will be in a blog which is on the Internet, the context is not quite as formal is it would be if it was a paper that was handwritten, so for most of the readers it will be in a laid back situation that the majority of people will just come across from browsing the internet. This means that the time and place the picture is viewed could make someone feel differently about it. So, I hope that my thoughts and ideas will be distinctive and interesting. In doing this I hope that my essay sticks out in the reader's brain as being interesting, exciting, and that they will think about it later.

With my photograph, I would like to use comparisons to take my paper to the next level. I want to look at what it was like in Rwanda in 1994 and what it has turned into today. It has been almost 20 years since the genocide has occurred and several things have changed. I also would like to give credit to Rosamond Halsey Carr who founded the Imbabazi Orphanage in 1994, and gave the photographer of my picture the chance to do what they now love and still be alive today.

By the end of this writing assignment one, I think I will have good grip on my statement of purpose. I completely understand all my responsibilities that I have to have for my audience. I understand things that can go wrong, and also all the benefits that people will get out of my statement of purpose.

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